Humanitarian Response
| Humanitarian Response
Pakistan is a country prone to disasters both man-made and natural. Disaster can hit anyone at any time. Pakistan has been facing various disasters and given the poverty profile of the country, whereby people are already struggling to survive, the hardships increase when a disaster strikes. Women, children and old people are among the worst affected population.
Mojaz Foundation help disaster hit communities cope with crises through emergency relief, early recover and disaster risk reduction. We help people respond, prepare, and recover from disasters. During a disaster, Mojaz coordinates with UN clusters and other organization to prepare a better response for the affected. Consulting with women and men in any emergency for rapid need assessment helps us design the program catering to the specific needs of all. Committees of the active people are formed to help Mojaz in identifying those severely affected, and in reaching out to the most vulnerable and marginalized. These committees also act as volunteers in various interventions and help us monitor our work and approach. Last but not the least, these committees also help in conflict resolution and complaint redressal ( a comprehensive system to lodge a complaint and it redressal).
We also work with communities, particularly women, to help them prepare for future crises through our DRR initiatives. It is a long road to recovery after a disaster hits. Our work is done when livelihoods are rebuilt and communities are prepared for future crises.
Strategic Objective:
To immediately respond in humanitarian crisis, and to protect vulnerable people affected by conflict and disasters by way of emergency relief and recovery. Contribute to SDG 11.5 of Goal 11: By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic caused by disasters, including water related disasters with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
We provide support in the areas of emergency shelter, food distribution, temporary shelter, cash for work, health camps, WASH and Nutrition.
| Key Highlights

| Projects Under Humanitarian Response
Title | Distribution of General Food Items to the 5000 flood victims families in 5 union councils of District Multan |
Objective | Overall Goal was to provide general food to vulnerable community members of flood affected areas |
Duration | Three Months (Sep 2010 to Nov 2010) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 35,000 Individuals 9,320 women 25,680 men |
Supported By | World Food Programme (WFP) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Multan/Tehsil Multan/5 UCs/100 villages |
Description: The project implemented in 5 union councils of District Multan to 5000 families for 3 months. The project aimed to provide the flood affected families with general food that will help in maintaining the minimum nutritional level for survival. A total of 5000 beneficiaries were reached out under this project. | |
Title | Livelihood Initiative for Flood-affectees’ Empowerment (LIFE) in Muzaffargarh |
Objective | To support re-establishment of agricultural-based livelihood systems and food security of 2010 flood affectees in Pakistan when they return to their homelands |
Duration | Three Months (Nov 2010 to Jan 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 63,000 Individuals 33,390 women 29,610 men |
Supported By | Agribusiness Support Fund (ASF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/2 UCs/ villages |
Description: Project titled “Livelihood Initiative for Flood-affectees’ Empowerment (LIFE) in Muzaffargarh” was implemented in 2 union councils of district and tehsil Muzaffargarh. Project focused on Agriculture and Food Security through sub sectors of Seed Systems & Agricultural Inputs. In total 9,000 families from these union council were reached out based on their vulnerability and negative coping strategies after being affected by the flood 2010. The project was funded by Concern RAPID Fund-USAID funding through ASF. | |
Title | Humanitarian Response by providing the WASH facilities at the door step of 650 vulnerable families |
Objective | To provide at least a minimum quantity of clean drinking water, and to reduce the transmission of fecal-oral diseases and exposure to diseases |
Duration | Three Months (Nov 2010 to Feb 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 4,550 Individuals 2,366 women 2,184 men |
Supported By | Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Muzaffargarh/3 UCs/20 villages |
Description: to provide at least a minimum quantity of clean drinking water, and to reduce the transmission of faeco-oral diseases and exposure to disease-bearing vectors, and to help in establishing the conditions that allow people to live and to perform daily tasks, such as going to the toilet, and washing with dignity, comfort and security. The project comprised of the following objectives:
Project communities were mobilised into 112 Community Wash Committees (CWCs). The CWCs were trained through a series of village level sessions on health and hygiene for behavioral change. Monthly meetings were organized by the social mobilization teams, and a number of issues were discussed in those meetings such as beneficiary assessment, identification, selection, health and hygiene education, and monitoring of the projects. Health and Hygiene sessions were conducted at village level, in those sessions BCC material was distributed and community was briefed on that and motivated to extend the message as far as possible. | |
Title | Emergency relief services projects |
Objective | Overall Goal was provision of emergency assistance for the flood affectees |
Duration | Three Months (Aug 2010 to Oct 2010) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 1,400 Individuals 700 women 700 men |
Supported By | International Relief and Development (IRD) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/4 UCs/119 villages |
Description: Project assisted some 15,960 beneficiaries to improve their food security through enabling them to start cultivation after the floods 2010. | |
Title | Agriculture based livelihood interventions to 15,960 vulnerable families in 3 union councils of District Muzaffargarh |
Objective | Overall Goal was emergency assistance for the improvement of food security of poor farmers through agriculture inputs and livestock related support |
Duration | Three Months (Nov 2010 to Jan 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 63,000 Individuals 33,390 women 29,610 men |
Supported By | International relief and Development (IRD) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/4 UCs/119 villages |
Description: Project assisted flood affectees to improve their food security through enabling them to start cultivation after the floods 2010. This was proposed through ensuring restoration of their economic assets (i.e. agriculture fields and livestock) affected by the super floods. The project assisted project beneficiaries by providing agricultural inputs as well as livestock rehabilitation services. | |
Title | Livelihood restoration of 2000 families through agriculture Cash for work activities |
Objective | To support re-establishment of agricultural-based livelihood systems and food security of IDPS in Pakistan when they return to their homelands |
Duration | Four Months (Jan 2011 to Apr 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 14,000 Individuals 7,280 women 6,720 men |
Supported By | International Relief and Development (IRD) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/4 UCs/20 villages |
Description: Project assisted 1750 families affected by the floods 2010 to improve their food security through cash for work activities and thus restoring on farm infrastructure. | |
Title | Rehabilitation of Basic Health Unit, safe delivery services to 200 women & 20-Free medical camps for 5,000 beneficiaries |
Objective | To address immediate health concerns of mother and child in union Sultanpur of tehsil Alipur, district Muzaffargarh through provision of quality health services to expectant mothers and infants. |
Duration | Two and a half Months (Jan 2011 to Mid-March 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 35,000 Individuals 17,850 women 17,150 men |
Supported By | Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/4 UCs/20 villages |
Description: The project duration was 10 weeks (2.5 months) and it was implemented in four (4) flood affected villages of union Sultanpur of Tehsil Alipur, District Muzaffargarh. The primary purpose of the project was to support and augment the efforts of the district health department in the provision of better health services to the affected population. The project was expected to attain the following outputs:
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Title | Emergency Assistance to support flood affected vulnerable farmers in Punjab. |
Objective | Community restoration of flood affected through cash for work in 2 union councils of Tehsil Alipur |
Duration | Four Months (Feb 2011 to May 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 35,000 Individuals 17,850 women 17,150 men |
Supported By | United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur and Muzaffargarh/4 UCs/14 villages |
Description: District Muzaffargarh was badly affected during devastating flash & riverine floods in Punjab, Pakistan 2010. 90% of total Population of Muzaffargarh District is affected & standing crops were washed away. Thus making these flood affected community’s food insecure as all the wheat stocked for consumption & next year seed was lost. As agriculture is the mainstay of this community’s economy. Standing water made the fields non-workable due to sand stocks, rubble from flooding water. Once the water was dry; people with humanitarian aid & self help basis started working on their fields to make them cultivable. Under this OSRO/PAK/011/USA project Wheat & vegetable seeds along with fertilizers were distributed in first phase along with protection and restoration of livestock productivity through the provision of livestock inputs supplies. Later part of the project was de-silting & rehabilitation of critical tertiary water courses for Kharif season; through cash for work interventions. Main Activities
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Title | Community Empowerment through small community physical infrastructure projects in 25 villages of District Muzaffargarh |
Objective | The project will result in the following impacts;
Duration | Six Months (Mar 2011 to Aug 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 17,500 Individuals 8,925 women 8,575 men |
Supported By | Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Muzaffargarh/4 UCs/25 villages |
Description: Empowering flood affected communities for meaningful participation in the recovery and rehabilitation program in the severely affected flood damaged rural areas of District Muzaffargarh, South Punjab. Mojaz Foundation mobilized vulnerable communities into socially viable forums and networks through human and institutional capacity building and ensured transparency and accountability for the rehabilitation and recovery process in their respective communities. The envisaged project helped in addressing the problems faced by disaster struck communities in the flood affected areas as well as set the stage for policy guidance for future emergencies or disaster. The project bridged the gap between government departments, civil society organizations with the new institutions at grass roots level by organizing and engaging communities in the rehabilitation/ reconstruction process. This project engaged the local communities through a practical approach of making them in charge of their own development through hands-on experience of improving the municipal infrastructure at the village level. This helped in creating a long term impact as the pilots implemented in the project had the potential for scaling up. Salient feature of the project was developing the capacity of the local institutions. | |
Title | Implementation of Food for Work early recovery program in selected Districts of Muzaffargarh in Punjab |
Objective | Improving food security through rehabilitation of on farm infrastructure and meeting basic nutritional needs of the flood affectees |
Duration | Five Months (March 2011 to July 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 62684 Individuals 26878 women 35806 men |
Supported By | United Nations World Food Programmers (UNWFP) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/3 UCs/00 villages |
Description: The proposal of cash aid through Food-for-Work (FFW) activities can help improve food security by addressing temporary employment insecurity while supporting key construction and rehabilitation activities that lead to longer term, more sustainable economic security results. Usually, the major consideration in FFW activities is the income transfer value as a Food equivalent or incentive. However depending on the problems being addressed. FFW can be used to support a range of objectives primarily in non-emergency, development contexts, but also in some emergency programs where both rehabilitation projects. FFW programs included the construction or repair of farm-to-market and urban roads, schools, health clinics, irrigation systems, public water and sanitation systems and other infrastructure and environmental protection and conservation activities. FFW’s self-targeting feature was useful in rehabilitation following disaster situations, where needy individuals contribute their labor for Food transfers while helping to return the community’s infrastructure to normal. | |
Title | Construction of permanent Shelters for Affected Population of 200 families in Punjab |
Objective | 200 households from the flood affected population– in the union Basti Randan of Rajanpur—have access to adequate housing and sanitation facilities to reduce the protection risks. Restoration of normal life for 200 most vulnerable flood affected families by the provision of secure shelter which will revive their dignity and provide security |
Duration | Six Months (July 2011 to Dec 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 1,600 Individuals 720 women 880 men |
Supported By | United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Rajanpur/Tehsil Jampur/1 UCs/6 villages |
Description: The project aimed at providing 200 permanent shelters to the worst affected population, those who were unable to rebuild their houses without external support. These shelters provided protection from the severe weather conditions and facilitated the beneficiaries a space for normal life. This provided a secure habitable living environment; ensuring privacy and dignity especially for children (orphans) and women (widows) with improved livelihoods and employable skills. Project also created new opportunities for flood affected communities by imparting new skills to one family member from each of the target households. It contributed to the revitalization of the local market by purchasing construction materials preferably from the local market. The proposed project also addressed many psychosocial, gender and protection related issues of women, children and elderly by providing safe and healthy shelter. | |
Title | Emergency General Food Distribution |
Objective | Food Security to 10,000 families for 3 months by provision of 2,985 metric ton of food Improved micronutrient intake and macronutrient intake leads to enhanced nutrition and health |
Duration | Three Months (Oct 2012 to Dec 2012) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 70,000 Individuals 35,700 women 34,300 men |
Supported By | United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Shaheed Benazirabad/Tehsil Sakrand/7 UCs/31 villages |
Description: The project was implemented in 7 union councils of District Shaheed Benazirabad to help 5000 families for 3 months. The project aimed to provide the flood affected families with general food to help them in maintaining the minimum nutritional level for survival. A total of 5000 beneficiaries were reachedout under this general food distribution for three months consecutively. | |
Title | Relief support to the flood affectees |
Objective | To provide immediate transitional shelters to the flood affectees |
Duration | Two Months (Nov 2011 to Dec 2011) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 17,520 Individuals 10,800 women 6720 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Shaheed Benazirabad/Tehsil Sakrand/2 UCs/64 villages |
Description: The project aimed at providing emergency relief services by providing emergency shelter to the flood affectees of flood 2011 in 2 UCs of District Shaheed Benazirabad. The project was funded by CRF through USAID. | |
Title | Restoration of livelihood and community physical infrastructure in flood affected in selected villages of Tehsil Alipur, District Muzaffargarh. |
Objective | Livelihood restoration of the flood affected households in ten villages of Tehsil Alipur (Muzaffargarh) through creation/restoration of economic opportunities, by rehabilitating community infrastructure; improving farm & non Farm livelihoods; providing clean drinking water, and creating resilient communities prepared to manage disaster |
Duration | Three Months (December 2011 to February 2012) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 13,224 Individuals 6,867 women 6348 men |
Supported By | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/4 UCs/10 villages |
Description: The project was implemented in 10 villages of District Muzaffargarh where 2010 floods affected a large population, depriving them of their sources of livelihood and destroying major infrastructure. The objective of the project was to inculcate resilience in the community by restoring their source of livelihood, essential infrastructure, and instilling disaster preparedness in their daily routine. To attain this objective three outcomes were defined: organized communities & capacity building; restoration/provision of livelihood; and restoration of essential physical infrastructure. There are a series of activities that are planned to achieve these three outputs. | |
Title | Restoration of livelihood and community based infrastructure in Sakrand, Sindh Province |
Objective | To revive the communities and local market through CFW activities and rehabilitation of productive infrastructure to support livelihood |
Duration | Four Months (May 2012 to Aug 2012) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 13,224 Individuals 6,867 women 6348 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Shaheed Benazirabad/Tehsil Sakrand/1 UCs/3 villages |
Description: The project was approved for a period of 3 months starting from May 09, 2012. The focus of the project was both economic asset restoration and temporary employment to revive the communities and local market through CFW activities and rehabilitation of productive infrastructure to support livelihood. The project started with a baseline study which helped in capturing the then existed picture of target area vis-à-vis indicators set in the project proposal. The most prominent and urgent needs identified through baseline were rehabilitation of infrastructure that included, water courses, link roads and culverts, facilitation and help in land leveling, provision of alternate sources of income other than agriculture to supplement incomes. The social mobilization team arranged large community meetings for the project introduction and identification of members for Village Committees. A total of 19 village committees were formed out of which 12 were men VCs & 7 were women. The relevant Government departments were contacted for obtaining NOC before starting work on rehabilitation of water courses and Kacha link roads. Once the schemes were completed, they were handed over to relevant government department after fulfilling necessary requirements. Tools kits were issued to project beneficiaries and on completion were handed over to them permanently for operations & maintenance of the schemes, after signing of terms of partnership. | |
Title | Restoration of livelihood and community based infrastructure in Sakrand, Sindh Province |
Objective | To revive the communities and local market through CFW activities and rehabilitation of productive infrastructure to support livelihood |
Duration | Four Months (May 2012 to Aug 2012) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 13,224 Individuals 6,867 women 6348 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Shaheed Benazirabad/Tehsil Sakrand/1 UCs/3 villages |
Description: The project was approved for a period of 3 months starting from May 09, 2012. The focus of the project was both economic asset restoration and temporary employment to revive the communities and local market through CFW activities and rehabilitation of productive infrastructure to support livelihood. The project started with a baseline study which helped in capturing the then existed picture of target area vis-à-vis indicators set in the project proposal. The most prominent and urgent needs identified through baseline were rehabilitation of infrastructure that included, water courses, link roads and culverts, facilitation and help in land leveling, provision of alternate sources of income other than agriculture to supplement incomes. The social mobilization team arranged large community meetings for the project introduction and identification of members for Village Committees. A total of 19 village committees were formed out of which 12 were men VCs & 7 were women. The relevant Government departments were contacted for obtaining NOC before starting work on rehabilitation of water courses and Kacha link roads. Once the schemes were completed, they were handed over to relevant government department after fulfilling necessary requirements. Tools kits were issued to project beneficiaries and on completion were handed over to them permanently for operations & maintenance of the schemes, after signing of terms of partnership. | |
Title | Provision of one room shelter program for 520 families in district of Badin, Sindh |
Objective | Provision of Permanent ORS to the flood affectees of flood 2011 |
Duration | Eleven Months (Oct 2012 to Aug 2013) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 3,640 Individuals 1,770 women 1,870 men |
Supported By | International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Badin/Tehsil Talhar/1 UCs/11 villages |
Description: The One Room Shelter (ORS) program was launched by IOM in response of floods 2011 in early recovery phase. On inception, first activity was to prioritize villages for ORS implementation. Villages were selected from the target UC Peer-O-Lashari which suffered the 2011 flood. The selected villages were 70 to 80 percent affected & 80% shelters were damaged or were in a non-livable condition. As the shelter rehabilitation/construction was the priority need, MOJAZ was allocated with the caseload of 520 ORS units keeping in view the availability of the budget. Project implementation was completed in 7 months’ time covering the following activities: Village Selection 520 Beneficiary & 22 Focal Point Selection Technical Trainings (Layout & Excavation, Mud & Lime Slacking, Plinth Construction & Wall Construction) Focal Points 22 Accounts Opening Submission of 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th Trench Documents of 22 VCs Cash Distribution against 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Trench to 22 VCs | |
Achievement: Constructed 520 one room shelter in UC Peer-O-Lashari |
Title | Support to Most Vulnerable with Winterize kits |
Objective | Provision of immediate relief support of winter items to the flood affectees to save lives in winter and reduction in diseases related to winter season. |
Duration | Three Months (Jan 2013 to Mar 2013) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 17,500 Individuals 5,278 women 8,400 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Kashmore/Tehsil Kashmore/2 UCs/7 villages |
Description: The project was approved for a period of 2 months starting from January 09, 2013. The focus of the project winter related assistance through NFIs for the communities to support livelihood. The project staff was hired with in first week after which baseline was started to capture present situation of beneficiary profile. The social mobilization team arranged large community meetings and formed 25 village committees were formed out in both target union councils. The committees helped identification, verification and distribution of 2500 families for the provision of winterize kits. | |
Achievement: Distribution of 2500 winterize kits |
Title | Enhancing Flood Affected Community’s Resilience by Providing Transitional Shelter” |
Objective | To provide transitional shelter support to the most vulnerable flood affected in UC Gahelpur |
Duration | Five and a half Months ( April, 2013 to September, 2013) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 4,930 Individuals 2,322 women 2,608 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Kashmore/Tehsil Kashmore/1 UCs/11 villages |
Description: In order to provide support to the flood affectees, MOJAZ Foundation initiated One Room Shelter construction on April 08, 2013 with the financial and technical support of Concern RAPID Fund. The target approved for MF was 450 ORS units in 11 villages of UC Gehalpur. However, after the project was started, MF received urgent shelter needs from adjacent villages. The identified need was then shared with the district shelter cluster who endorsed the need for immediate support. This was then shared with Concern RF for approval. The Concern approved additional ORS target of 285 which made the total target as 735. The project provided permanent shelters to 735 families. | |
Title | Monsoon Flood Relief and Early Recovery 2013 in District Narowal |
Objective | To provide transitional shelter support to the most vulnerable flood affected in UC Gahelpur |
Duration | Five and a half Months ( April, 2013 to September, 2013) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 500,250 Individuals 2,322 women 2,608 men |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Narowal/Tehsil Narowal and Shakargarh/7 UCs/329 villages |
Description: Mojaz carried out Rapid Need Assessment(RNA) in order to guage the extent and range of loses caused by flood in District Narowal. Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) immediately responded to the funding request. The project titled “Emergency relief and early recovery assistance 2013, was approved a period of one starting from 6th September 2013 covering 7 UCs in three tehsils of district Narowal with a total amount of funding of PKR 84,219,308. The total beneficiaries of the project were 500250. The project helped the beneficiaries through provision of food hampers, hygiene kits, agri-inputs and livestock vaccination. | |
Title | Support to the livelihood by ensuring agriculture assistance for improved food security of the vulnerable |
Objective | Support to the livelihood by ensuring protective assistance to livestock for improved food security of the vulnerable |
Duration | Three Months ( Nov, 2013 to Feb, 2014) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 13,731 Individuals 6527 women 7,204 men |
Supported By | United Nations Organization for coordination humanitarian affairs (UNOCHA) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Alipur/2 UCs/6 villages |
Description: The union council Khangarh Doma was selected for the project. Project approved caseload was 1,150 beneficiaries households (300 for poultry package, 850 for livestock balanced feed (wanda) and 2,000 large livestock heads vaccincation). Project key stakeholders including communities were provided information about the details of the project through meetings. Prior to beneficiary selection, community organization (CO) formation was completed using social mobilization approach. The distribution events were organized to hand over the project assistance to the entitled beneficiaries | |
Title | Enhancing Flood Affected Community’s Resilience by Providing Transitional Shelter to 380 families in UC SODI Kashmore |
Objective | To ensure that the security, safety and physical protection needs of disaster-affected populations are addressed through the provision of appropriate shelter assistance. |
Duration | Three Months ( May, 2013 to July, 2013) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 2,554 Individuals 1,320 women 1,324 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Kashmore/Tehsil Kashmore/1 UCs/19 villages |
Description: According to the need assessment report conducted by MF in UC Sodhi of district Kashmore, affected by flood 2012-2013, shelter was priority need of the flood affected families as they have no means to rehabilitate their houses damaged by flood 2012-13. Target people was extremely poor and lacked sustainable means of livelihood; they could hardly manage their daily expenses of food, health and other basic needs. Most of the houses in the target area were either fully damaged (43%) or partially damaged (57%) but were not livable. MF, through this intervention, assisted 380 extremely vulnerable households of the Mouza Sorrah of UC Sodhi through the provision of one-room transitional shelters. The internal dimension of proposed design of ORS is 16*14 ft. with mud elevated platform. The project supported most vulnerable including widows, persons with disability, child headed households and low income groups (extremely poor) in the target Mouza Sorrah. | |
Title | Relief support to the Flood affectees. |
Objective | To provide immediate transitional shelters to the flood affectees |
Duration | Two Months (20-Oct-11 to 19-Dec-11) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 28,000 Individuals 16800 women 11200 men |
Supported By | Concern Worldwide RAPID Fund (CRF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Sindh/Shahid Benazirabad/Tehsil Sakrand/1 UCs/ 45 villages |
Description: Project titled Emergency shelter assistance to most vulnerable, was approved for 4000 flood affectees of 1 UCs in Shaheed Benazirabad with 2 months as a project duration. Starting from October 10, 2011 with ending on 19 December 2011. The objective of the project is to provide immediate transitional shelters to the flood affectees and the sector of intervention was Shelter & Settlement. The initial activities like staff hiring, procurement process formalities were managed to be completed in the first two weeks. Baseline was exempted, however, the purchase order (for tents) was issued in the last week of 1st month after a detailed scrutiny of selected vendor in terms of their capacity (financial worth to handle order, relevant experience to deliver supplies in efficient manner). Completing the procurement, distribution was organized delivering the emergency shelter assistance. | |
Achievement: Distributed 4000 emergency shelters |
Title | Improve nutrition and health conditions of 21,000 vulnerable, flood affected people through provision of food and NFIs in Sialkot District, Punjab Province, Pakistan. |
Objective | To contribute in providing immediate lifesaving relief to flood affected victims in Punjab province, and improving the inclusion of vulnerable groups in other humanitarian actor responses to the floods |
Duration | Three Months (Oct, 2014 to Dec, 2014) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 15,403 Individuals 7646 women 7757 men |
Supported By | Helpage International Pakistan (HAP) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Sialkot/Tehsil Bannu/5 UCs/ 109 villages |
Description: Overall the project strategic objective was: “To contribute in providing immediate lifesaving relief to flood affected victims in Punjab province, and improving the inclusion of vulnerable groups in other humanitarian actor responses to the floods” have been achieved by successful implementation of supplementing activities. Life-saving relief was provided by the package distributed among 3,000 flood affected families which includes food and non-food items including water coolers, jerry can for water storage, kitchen sets and hygiene kits. Beside the distribution of food and non-food items, there was increased awareness among stakeholders for the inclusion of vulnerable groups especially older and disable people. Project activities were relevant to the community’s prevailing need (like food items for meeting their nutritional requirements and non-food items to conduct day to day activities like cooking and hygiene material to avoid increasing skin allergies and water borne diseases in the aftermath of flood in target areas. | |
Achievement: Distributed 3000 packages having food and non-food items. |
Project Title | Restoration of livelihood and community physical infrastructure in flood affected union council Rangpur District Muzaffargarh |
Objective | Livelihoods of vulnerable flood-affected people stabilized and restored through following:
Duration | Four Months (Jan, 2015 to April, 2015) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 1058 Individuals 488 women 570 men |
Supported By | Trocaire |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Muzaffargarh/1 UCs/ 21 villages |
Description: The Project titled “Restoration of community physical infrastructure and livelihood”implemented by Mojaz Foundation with the technical & financial support of Trocaire in marginalized & vulnerable Union Council (UC) namely Rang pur District Muzaffargarh. The Overall objective of the project was restoration of Livelihoods activities by enabling target populations to re-establish productive assets and thereby resume their livelihoods and restoration of basic community infrastructure for accessing farm to market. Mojaz Foundation started this project February 27, 2015 in the targeted UC. MF established a network of Village committees in targeted UC. With the VCs, participation MF build a strong liaison with community and involve community into project. This approach to implement teh project was participatory. | |
Achievement: Following main activities were completed in 03 months project:
Project Title | Restoration of livelihood and Community Physical Infrastructure in flood affected union councils (Taliri) of District Muzaffargarh |
Objective |
Duration | Seven Months (1st March-15 to September 30th-15) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 1331 Individuals 381 women 950 men |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Muzaffargarh/1 UCs/ 6 villages |
Description: MOJAZ Foundation launched this project with the financial support from PPAF in UC Taliri District Muzaffargarh. The project started with the formation of committees in order to ensure community participation in the implementation of the project. The objective was to restore livelihoods while rehabilitation of critical economic infrastructure on which rural community depends and was then affected by the recent floods. The project included provision of in-kind support as well as rehabilitation of the farm to market link roads, agriculture field, water courses and livelihood. | |
Achievement: Following main activities were completed in project:
Project Title | Provision of immediate shelter assistance to earthquake affected families of Lower Dir. |
Objective | Project Goal: To ensure that the security, safety and physical protection needs of disaster-affected populations are addressed through the provision of appropriate shelter assistance. Project specific Objective: Affected population of target area have adequate access to reasonable accommodation through winterize tents |
Duration | Two Months (November-15 to December-15) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 6545 Individuals 3134 women 3411 men |
Supported By | Trocaire |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Khyber pakhtunkhawa/Lower Dir/Tehsil Muzaffargarh/2 UCs/ 00 villages |
Description: This project was implemented by Mojaz Foundation with the technical & financial support of Trocaire in marginalized & vulnerable Union Council (UC) namely Chakdara and Asband District Lower Dir. The Overall objective of project is to: Provision of relief through immediate shelter assistance to target earthquake affected families of District Lower Dir. MF established a network of Village committees in targeted UCs. With the VCs, participation MF had built a strong liaison with community and involved the community in the project. This participatory approach made project successful. The impact of the project was provision of relief and protection in winter season and basics for living to earthquake affectees, which was badly affected in earthquake 2015. | |
Achievement: Following main activities were completed in project:
Project Title | Provision of Transitional Shelter to the Most Vulnerable TDPs of NWA living in Bannu District |
Objective | To ensure that the security, safety and physical protection needs of disaster-affected populations are addressed through the provision of shelter assistance |
Duration | Three Months (December-15 to February-16) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 3803 Individuals 1903 women 1900 men |
Supported By | Concern RAPID Fund |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Khyber pakhtunkhawa/Bannu/Tehsil Bannu/1 UCs/ 05 villages |
Description:Mojaz Foundation provided 600 transitional shelters to assist TDPs in UC Takhti Khel, District Bannu, KPK based on the findings of the need assessment. The need and area selection are endorsed by the relevant cluster and the PDMA. The beneficiaries were selected in close coordination with the project community as per the criterion defined in the proposal. Village committees were formed as a result of social mobilization who assisted in the identification and confirmation of the TDP, and also in the implementation and monitoring of the project. As a result of provision of transitional shelter, 600 TDP families recieved living space which ensured protection for their family members especially for women and children. The transitional shelter accommodated on average 7-8 members per TDP family. On one hand the project reduced burden on host families and on the other the TDPs made savings on their rental expenses. | |
Achievement: Following main activities were completed in project:
Project Title | Humanitarian Assistance to internally displaced people (IDPs) in Bannu, KPK Pakistan |
Objective | Increase resilience of IDP population and host communities through lifesaving Child Protection, WASH, Disaster Risk Reduction and Nutrition services |
Duration | Eighteen Months (May-16 to July-17) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 70000 Individuals 35700 women 34300 men |
Supported By | Plan International |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Khyber pakhtunkhawa/Bannu/Tehsil Bannu/6 UCs/ 0 villages |
Description: The purpose of the proposed project was to enable access to improved sanitation, water, hygiene and nutrition. It enabled the targeted population to access improved sanitation and hygiene, which contributed to the reduction and prevention of the incidence of WASH related diseases and ultimately helped reduced stunting and malnutrition. In addition to WASH interventions, the project also assisted in the screening of nutritional status of under five-year-old children with effective referral mechanism in place for the provision of nutritional supplies. The project was implemented in 6 UCs of District Bannu. | |
Achievement: Following main activities were completed in project:
Project Title | Provision of Transitional Shelter to the most vulnerable TDPs of NWA living in Bannu District. |
Objective | To ensure that the security, safety and physical protection needs of disaster-affected populations are addressed through the provision of shelter assistance |
Duration | Three Months (June-16 to August 2016) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 3696 Individuals 1792 women 1904 men |
Supported By | Concern RAPID Fund |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Khyber pakhtunkhawa/Bannu/Tehsil Bannu/1 UCs/ 05 villages |
Description: MOJAZ Foundation provided 450 transitional shelters to assist TDPs in UC Havid Landidak, District Bannu, based on the findings of the need assessment. The need and area selection were endorsed by the Shelter Cluster. The beneficiaries were selected in close coordination with the project community as per the criterion defined in the proposal. Village committees were formed as a result of social mobilization who assisted in the identification and confirmation of the TDP, and in the implementation and monitoring of the project. As a result of provision of transitional shelter 450 TDP families were helped to have proper living space with ensured protection for their family members especially for women and children. | |
Achievement: Following main activities were completed in project:
Title | Emergency response to COVID-19 in Narowal |
Objective | Distribution of Hyigiene Kits to 1000 underserved households to assist in Covid-19 curtailment |
Duration | 3 months |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 6,420 Individuals 3,134 women 3,286 men |
Supported By | HUBCO |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Narowal/Tehsil Narowal |
Description: WASH has a key role in Infection Prevention and Control. Therefore, it was important to reach out to the poor and vulnerable communities with immediate and important hygiene related items that can help them maintain good personal hygiene, especially in times when people are locked down in their houses. Under this project Mojaz Foundation distributed hygiene kits in Narowal with the financial support from Hubco CS. The purpose was to help poor communities in maintaining personal hygiene in times when their purchasing capacities are compromised and they are locked inside their houses as per the government guidelines. | |
Title | General Food Distribution 2016 for TDPs under PRRO 200867 |
Objective | To protect lives by providing humanitarian food assistance to increase food security among TDPs in Bannu. |
Duration | Eleven Months (August 2016 to June 2017) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 502,124 Individuals 246,134 women 255,988 men |
Supported By | United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Khayber Pakhtunkhawa/Bannu/Tehsil Bannu |
Description: Mojaz Foundation implemented General Food Distribution (GFD) with the support from UN-WFP as part of an appropriate response to protect lives when people have suddenly been cut off from their normal means of access to food due to operation Zarb-e-Azb. Resultantly, they started selling off their productive assets in order to obtain food. This project was proposed to be implemented in three hubs ( Bannu (1&5)of District Bannu where there is a large number of TDP. The proposed project addressed food needs of the TDPs for a period of 11 months. The interventions assisted 82,874 TDP families having 502,124 (74% of this number i.e. are women, girls and boys) number of individual TDPs (estimated on 8 family size) by distributing 8626.4 MTN food (93.55 kg per family for 7 monthly cycles) starting from 1-Aug-16 with targeted closure on 30-Jun-17. | |
Title | Rapid Response (Hygiene facilities and Awareness Raising 2020) |
Objective | to decrease the prevalence of COVID-19 in targeted areas through awareness raising and provision of hand washing facilities, hygiene kits and awareness raising in Islamabad-capital and Rawalpindi districts. |
Duration | Four Months (April-20 to July-20 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 360,000 Individuals 142,987 women 217,013 men |
Supported By | Wateraid |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Islamabad and Rawalpindi/Tehsil Islamabad and Rawalpindi/16 UCs |
Description: Mojaz Foundation implemented the COVID-19 response project in 16 UCs of Islamabad and Rawalpindi (8 UCs in each district) in Partnership with WaterAid Pakistan with the financial support from Reckitt and Benckiser and in coordination and support from the district government. The projects duration was 4 months starting from April, 2020 in Union Council where there were more cases of COVID-19. The project comprised of three components: 1) Provision of 16 handwashing facilities (8 in each district; both temporary & permanent) in healthcare & quarantine facilities, marketplaces and public service provision facilities with supply of soaps for 3 months and Operation and maintenance for the duration of project period; 2) Community awareness; Using Community Resource Persons (CRPs), 2 CRPs per UC( in total 32 CRPs) to create coronavirus’ awareness among communities of the selected UCs in Pindi and Isb; 3) ICT Campaigns to create awareness among masses through radio, cable TV and billboards; 4) Provision of Hygiene kits to facilitate the poorest of the poor in project areas with particular focus on areas where there are more number of sanitary workers residing. Lastly a state of the art Public Toilet was constructed in Islamabad under this project. | |
Title | Provision of Hand washing Facilities Hygiene Kits and Community Awareness on Covid-19 |
Objective | To decrease the prevalence of COVID-19 in targeted areas through awareness raising and provision of hand washing facilities, hygiene kits and awareness raising in Islamabad-capital and Rawalpindi districts. |
Duration | Three Months (July-20 to September-20) |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 360,000 Individuals 142,987 women 217,013 men |
Supported By | Wateraid |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Islamabad and Rawalpindi/Tehsil Islamabad and Rawalpindi/8 UCs |
Description: Mojaz Foundation implemented the “COVID-19 response” project in 2 UCs of Islamabad and 6 UCs of Rawalpindi (8 UCs in) in total in partnership with WaterAid Pakistan with the financial support from Unilever and in coordination and support from the district government. The projects duration was 3 months starting from June 23rd, 2020 to September 23rd, 2020 in Union Councils where there were more cases of COVID-19. The project deliverables were: 1) Provision of hand washing facilities (4 in Islamabad; 2 temporary & 2 permanent) in healthcare & quarantine facilities, marketplaces and public service provision facilities with supply of soaps for 3 months and Operation and maintenance for the duration of project period; 2) Community awareness; Using Community Resource Persons (CRPs), 2 CRPs per UC ( in total 15 CRPs + 1 CRP Coordinator) to create coronavirus awareness among communities of the selected UCs in Rawalpindi and Islamabad; 3) ICT Campaigns to create awareness among masses through radio, cable TV and billboards; 4) Provision of Hygiene/MHM kits to facilitate the poorest of the poor in project areas with particular focus on areas where there are more number of sanitary workers residing. The response was much needed and was appreciated by the district governments of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. They appreciated the methodology of using Community Resource Persons for the awareness raising activities in particular. Their support, advice and cooperation made it possible to deliver the project effectively as committed with WaterAid. This project has significant positive effects on the lives of people having less/limited access to hygiene facilities and lack of awareness regarding corona virus spread. Under this project, 2000 Hygiene/MHM Kits (protective items) were distributed among poorest households and sanitation workers in 6 UCs of Rawalpindi, 2 UCs of Islamabad, and among government offices in Islamabad region. Five hand washing facilities were installed in Islamabad and Rawalpindi region along with provision of liquid soap bottles and 270 soap bars in total thus facilitating 23350 users. Soaps were also distributed in 3 schools of Islamabad region to facilitate hand washing. Community awareness raising on Covid-19 was carried out through door-to-door sessions and by using speaker announcements in 8 UCs by 5 women CRPs and 10 men CRPs hired from the local community. Community was reached out by 10 men CRPs (80.55% of the targeted population) and by 5 women CRPs (98.30% of the targeted population). Besides, awareness raising among masses was carried out through cable TV networks and display of billboards having critical messages on the prevention of COVID-19 at prominent public places. Pictures are attached showing the positive impact of all these activities on the project beneficiaries. | |