Accountability and Transparency
Mojaz Foundation places communities at the center and ensures that the programs and projects are designed with the aim to give communities a voice in planning, implementation, and evaluation of the interventions. Mojaz Foundation also follows humanitarian accountability standards in its relief and emergency work (Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS). We engage with the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) that coordinates humanitarian assistance and advocates for a clear division of responsibility between the various aspects of humanitarian aid. Our M&E system monitors compliance to these standards. We share information in the form of research reports, baselines, annual reports, project completion reports, quick impact assessment reports and third party evaluations with our stakeholders.
We encourage our stakeholders to provide us feedback that helps us to A) ensure accountability to those we work with and for B) make improvements to our work. We have our complaints redressal mechanism in place both at the organization level and also at the level of programs and projects. A dedicated phone number and email ID is available to file a complaint. We believe that our stakeholders have a right to raise a complaint, have that complaint addressed and receive a response.
Our code of conduct policy makes sure that all our partners/ vendors/ program participant/staff and all those who are directly in contact with the communities we work with have understood and signed it.