Economic development
| Economic Development
Economic development is a critical pathway to breaking the cycle of poverty, especially in a country where nearly 39% of the population lives in multidimensional poverty (Economic Survey of Pakistan 2015–2016). At Mojaz Foundation, we believe that investing in the economic empowerment of poor and marginalized communities is key to driving sustainable poverty reduction. Through our work in livelihood development, we enable vulnerable populations to withstand economic shocks and realize their full potential.
Our interventions are designed to help communities build sustainable livelihoods, increase income, and create businesses, especially social enterprises that generate employment and strengthen local economies. By enhancing individuals’ abilities to become self-reliant, we empower them to secure resources for their families and households with dignity, on a sustainable basis.
Over the years, Mojaz Foundation has implemented numerous short- and long-term projects in the poverty-stricken regions of Southern Punjab, KPK, and Sindh. These projects focus on improving the lives of the ultra-poor and marginalized groups by providing access to essential resources for livelihood development, building capacity, and establishing crucial linkages. We have helped establish production centers, youth centers, and digital hubs, while also strengthening local support organizations. Our approach revolves around creating and nurturing community institutions that uplift people at the grassroots level, helping them graduate from poverty.
Program Objective
Our primary goal is to increase household incomes among the most vulnerable populations by empowering excluded groups, advocating for economic justice, and expanding their capacity and resources for sustainable income opportunities. We place special emphasis on women, youth, and people with disabilities, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities to thrive economically.
This program contributes directly to Sustainable Development Goal 1, Target 1.4, which aims to ensure that by 2030, all men and women, particularly the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, along with access to basic services, ownership and control over land, financial services, and appropriate new technologies.
| Key Highlights

| Projects Under Economic Development
Title | Economic Reintegration of voluntary Returnees & Local Population |
Goal/Objectives | The main objective of the project is to promote entrepreneurship for economic and social inclusion of returning migrants and the local population in Punjab, Pakistan. Mojaz Foundation (MF) is focusing on returnees to Sialkot, Gujranwala& Gujrat and other adjacent districts of the central Punjab. |
Duration | Dec 2020 – Apr 2023 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 290 voluntary returnees and local population in Central Punjab 260 Men 30 Women |
Supported By | GIZ |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Central Punjab/ 14 districts |
Description: The project is an effort to provide support to the voluntary migrants returning mainly from Germany to get settled in Pakistan, in particular in the province of Punjab for reasons that Mojaz has a strong presence in the province of Punjab. Moreover, the returnees are not just from one or two districts, they are scattered and can be from various districts of Punjab with greater concentration in the central Punjab. More specifically, the project aims at catering to the economic reintegration of the returnees by providing start-up financing in the form of in-kind support and Enterprise development training (EDT).The project is also providing the same support to other beneficiaries in the communities of the returnees to make sure that the support to returnees alone does not arise any conflict in the area and also considering the fact that there might be cases where people, based on economic compulsions, are considering the option of going abroad for better wages. This is more so required in the current scenario where the outburst of Corona Virus has severely affected the livelihoods of the people from poor and marginalized areas of the country in particular. The project involved:
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Achievements: 1. Trained 290 project beneficiaries in EDT 2. Provided in kind support to 290 beneficiaries |
Title | Strengthening vegetable value chains in Pakistan for greater community livelihood benefits |
Goal/Objectives | To achieve the project aim, the project is structured around four principal objectives. The focus of each objective is on smallholder women, men and youth and associated communities in Sindh and Punjab: 1. To identify opportunities for increasing community engagement and developing rural entrepreneurships. 2. To establish sustainable production and marketing opportunities for small-scale vegetable farmers and traders. 3. To test and develop technical innovations for selected vegetable value chains. 4. To scale-out improvements in vegetable value chains, and sustain and maximize community benefits |
Duration | Feb 2018 till December 2021 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | Small men and women farmers and their families 60 Women Farmers 60 Men Farmers |
Supported By | CAB International |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/Muzaffargarh/Okara |
Description: The key outputs of the project were to promote a readily adoptable and socially acceptable production, postharvest and marketing interventions that will increase the efficiency and profitability of onion, potato, tomato, and chilli value chains for small farmers. In parallel, the project also aimed at building capacity of the in-country researchers and research institutions to undertake participatory action research (PAR), value chain analysis and social and economic assessments beyond the life of the project. | |
Title | Empowering Rural Women Artisans of District Sialkot |
Goal/Objectives | The goal of this requested grant is to enhance productivity and business development options for home based women workers. The specific objectives of this requested grant will be to: Provide community services (e.g. social mobilization) for retention and extension of craft skills among rural artisans of selected union councils of District Sialkot. Improve business development services and inputs to rural artisans of selected trade/crafts.
Foster linkages between artisan women forums, backward forward value chain agents, women chamber and women business incubation centers etc. |
Duration | March 2014 to May 2016 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 180 home based women workers |
Supported By | Dender Equity Program/ USAID |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/District Sialkot/Tehsil Pasroor and Sialkot/4 UCs |
Description: Mojaz Foundation undertook this project for income enhancement and employment generation through improved productivity, diversification of economic and social opportunities for women of district Sialkot, under the Gender Equity Program (GEP), executed by the Aurat Foundation with the support of USAID. The GEP entailed development of HBWs work in tehsils Pasrur and Sialkot of District Sialkot. Specifically, the project was designed to:
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Title | Interest Free Loan |
Goal/Objectives | Prime Minister Ehsas Program (Interest Free Loan) scheme aims to provide interest-free loans to poor households scoring 0 to 40 on Poverty Score Card (PSC) with an average loan of Rs 25,000 per household to help them come out of the vicious cycle of poverty as well as to improve their livelihood and facilitate them to become empowered both economically and socially. |
Duration | 2015 to 2019 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 29,855 60% women |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/ Muzaffargarh and Narowal |
Description: The Prime Minister Interest free loan is being implemented since 2015 in Muzaffargarh and Narowal with the support from PPAF. Women remain 60% of our total clients. The beneficiaries are below the score of 40 on PSC of Benazir-Income Support Program. These loans are utilized for livestock, enterprise and agricultural activities. The loan size is between PKR 20,000 to 35000. The beneficiaries are also trained side by side for effective utilization of loan. | |
Title | Micro Insurance- for Livestock |
Objective | Increase resilience by micro insurance of livestock for the beneficiaries of microfinance/ LEED |
Duration | 6 Months May-2015 to September-2015 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 1000 Farmers |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/District Muzaffargarh |
Description: South Punjab is considered a hub area for livestock. Muzaffargarh is one of the lucky areas in this context, where two rivers surround this district. Livestock is one of the main sources of people residing here. Cows, buffaloes, camels, sheep and goats are considered vital assets here. Being the most flood prone area Muzaffargarh faces flooding almost every year. MF launched the pilot project Micro Insurance of livestock with the technical and financial help of PPAF. MF selected 05 UCs for this project. MF is already working in these UCs on different projects Like LEED, ER, IFL and MC. Names of these UCs are Taleeri, Gull wala, Shareef Chajra, Jagatpur and Bhutta pur. These UCs are enriched with livestock. More than 60% of the population is involved in this profession. Disaster like flood is more often in Muzaffargarh district. Disease and theft issues of livestock are more common. People breed animals and it takes years but they lose these animals in seconds. There is no safety or back up to recover their losses. Unfortunately people are not well aware of insurance, Tkaful, indemnity techniques or Micro insurance. They considered this loss as their destiny. The increasing demand for MI worldwide is driven by the risk management needs of the bottom of the pyramid, which require some form of risk protection and mitigation instruments. This population segment is vulnerable to a number of shocks, which can have severe repercussions on their economic and social well-being. Mojaz Foundation conducted the following activities in the project: · Staff orientation · Community Awareness sessions · Vaccination of Livestock | |
Achievements: 1. Vaccination of 930 livestock 2. Registration of 930 livestock ruminants. 3. Assessment of value of livestock and their insurance by Al Falah insurance. 4. Tagging of Livestock. |
Title | Training of Electrical Wiring |
Goal/Objectives | The objective of the project was to build capacity of youth in areas where they could learn and practice the trait to start their job/business. |
Duration | 10 months March 2015 to December 2015 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 75 youth (men) |
Supported By | Punjab Skill Development Foundation |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/ Punjab/District Muzaffargarh |
Description: The project was implemented in district Muzaffargarh with the support from PSDF. The purpose was to enable the youth to earn their living by building their capacity in a trait( in this case electrical wiring) that is in demand and one that can help them find either a job or they can start their own small set-up. For this purpose, 75 participants between the age bracket of 18 to 30 were selected and enrolled in Multan College of Commerce, Muzaffargarh for their training. The group gained electrical wiring skills in three batches. The participants were provided with the uniform, bags, ID cards and a monthly stipend of PKR 1500. Each participant received 4500 PKR for the entire training period. After the participants completed their training, almost 70% of them were facilitated with linkages development with the local market and employers for job placement. | |
Title: | Livelihood Employment and Enterprise Development (LEED Batch 62) |
Objective | The Overall objective of the livelihood enhancement and Enterprise Development (LEED) Program was to develop the capacity, opportunities, assets and productivity of community members to reduce their vulnerability to shocks. Improve their livelihood initiatives and strengthen their business operations. |
Duration | September 2014 to August 2015 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 1200 households |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/District Muzzafargarh/ Tehsil Muzaffargarh/2 UCs |
Description: The Project titled “Livelihood Employment and Enterprise Development (LEED) BATCH 62” implemented by Mojaz Foundation with the technical & financial support of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) in 02 selected marginalized & vulnerable Union Councils (UC) namely Gull Wala, and Sharif Chajra District Muzaffargarh. The Overall objective of the Livelihood Enhancement and Enterprise Development (LEED) Program was to develop the capacity, opportunities, assets and productivity of community members to reduce their vulnerability to shocks. Improve their livelihood initiatives and strengthen their business operations. Mojaz Foundation already had a large network of COs, VOs, LSOs in the targeted UCs as MF had already completed another Livelihood project in the same areas. This project was implemented with the support from these community institutions. The poor and vulnerable households in the project UC were facilitated to build sustainable on- and off-farm livelihoods to at least replace those lost during the course of flood 2010 and to reduce rural poverty.
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Title | Institutional Development for support to Community Organisation through training 550 households. |
Objectives | “Community organizations (COs) of the poor and their federations will be managing their own development through transparent, equitable, inclusive, accountable and community driven process” |
Duration | 6 months April 15 to September 15 |
Targeted Group/ Beneficiaries | 550 households |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund |
Geographical Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/District Muzaffargarh/3 UCs |
The Project titled “Institutional Development Batch-62 ” was implemented by Mojaz Foundation with the technical & financial support from PPAF in marginalized & vulnerable Union Council (UC) namely Sharif Chajra, Gull wala and Waan Pitaffi District Muzaffargarh. Overall objective of said project was “Community organizations (COs) of the poor and their federations into UC level organization to manage their own development through transparent, equitable, inclusive, accountable and community driven process” Mojaz Foundation started this project in April, 2015 in the targeted UCs. MF already had an established network of Village committees and LSOs. MF conducted capacity building training for social activists, arranged re-elections for these community organizations, organized different events to engage the community. MF built a strong liaison with the community and involved the community into the project. This participatory approach not only made the project successful but sustainable too.
The specific objectives of the project were:
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Title | Institutional Development (ID) |
Objective | To organize70% of the total HH in the form of Community Organizations To ensure at least 50% women membership in Community Organizations (50% of the total targeted HHs ) To ensure self help initiatives by COs To establish 3 Union Council Development Organization facilitated to get registered. |
Duration | 2 years July 2012 – June 2014 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 9185 Households |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/ District Muzaffargarh/3 Union Councils |
Description: The Project titled “Institutional Development (ID)” implemented by MOJAZ Foundation with the technical & financial support from Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) in 3 selected marginalized & vulnerable Union Councils (UC) namely Gulwala, Wanpatafi and Charif Chajra District Muzaffargarh. Mojaz foundation conducted the following activities during the project to achieve the objectives of the project:
The ID project was part of the LEP project that MF implemented in the same project area. | |
Title | Livelihood Enhancement and Protection of 6000 Households |
Objective | Develop the capacities, opportunities, assets and productivity of community members to reduce their vulnerability to shocks and improve their livelihood initiatives and strengthen their business opportunities. |
Duration | 24 Months July 2012-June 2014 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 4920 households ( Total Households) 1080 ultra poor households ( for trainings) 720 individual ( for asset transfer) |
Supported By | Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/District Muzaffargarh/Tehsil Muzaffargarh/2 UCs |
Description: The low-income and disadvantaged communities, residing in the rural areas of district Muzaffargarh, are open to increasing economic risks, besides facing the hard consequences of natural disasters and climate change. The said district has experienced natural disasters (floods) in the year 2010. Such an event has caused severe damage to human life, settlement patterns, local environment and, above all, to the economic sustainability of the local communities. In that backdrop, Mojaz Foundation implemented the project for livelihood improvement by creating and strengthening institutions of the poor, capacity building and linkages development with the financial support from Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund in 2 union councils of Muzaffargarh (Gulwala and sharif chajra). The project was helpful in enhancing productivity of the ultra-poor through focused interventions aimed at developing skill sets and assets for greater income generating opportunities and better livelihoods. | |
Title | To empower women of the poorest households in rural Pakistan through goat breeding aimed at sustainable feeding of their families |
Objective | To organize minimum 2250 women in rural areas of Pakistan to form 225 FEGs (On average each FEG will consist of 10 women) for setting up goat farming business and initiating other micro-agribusiness activities; To provide financial support along with technical as well as entrepreneurship trainings to 225 FEGs, represented by at least 2250 women, to start goat farming and other agribusiness activities; To provide financial support to interested & capable farmers/professionals in setting up 25 Livestock Training & Extension Service Centres at village level on nationwide basis to provide livestock training and extension support to the FEGs (On average one Centre will provide support to a cluster of 10 FEGs); To improve, and provide, basic health services to the members of FEGs so that they can actively contribute towards the wellbeing of their families by running agribusiness enterprises. |
Duration | 1 year May 2010 – Nov 2011 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 800 farmers 400 men 400 women |
Supported By | Agribusiness Support Fund (ASF) |
Geographic Focus | Pakistan/Punjab/ District Multan (Binda Sinda and Alamdi Sura) & and Muzaffargarh (Jagatpur and Taliri) |
Description: Women are performing phenomenal work in the livestock sector of rural areas of Pakistan yet there generally is a lack of acknowledgement and recognition of the contribution of women, in rural areas of Pakistan, towards the well-being of their families and the income of the nation. Hence,there is a need to actively engage women, in rural areas, at commercial levels in this sector. There is a need for sustainable livestock training & extension services at village level for better livestock management and there is a need for diversification in the commercial activity of women so that they can actively contribute towards the wellbeing of their families by generating income from different activities. In that backdrop, the project was an attempt to train women and men farmers to set up enterprises in order to ensure food security at household level. Farmers enterprise groups were formed and trained in enterprise development and were handed over goats | |
Achievements: · Formation of 80 farmer enterprise groups. · Account Opening for 80 Farmer Entreprise Groups. · Distribution of goats to 120 women farmers · Distribution of kitchen gardening kits to 400 women |
Title | Stitching kits for flood affected women |
Goal/Objectives |
Duration | 1 month Jan-2011 to Feb-2011 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 200 Women ( in particular those head of households and widows) |
Supported By | USAID-AHAN |
Geographic Focus | Punjab/ Muzaffargarh/ UC Jagatpur and Taliri/ village deeper and village Sonaki |
Description: The project aimed at supporting flood affected women headed households. The project was funded by AHAN- a subsidiary of the Government of Pakistan. MOJAZ Foundation identified 180 women beneficiaries for the project activities. These women were given stitching kits in coordination with Aik Hunar Aik Nagar (AHAN) and were facilitated to participate in exhibitions in order to develop linkages with. | |
Achievements: 1. Linkages of the project women were established with Boutique Owners 2. Women, 200 in number, learnt stitching skills and started their own small entreprises at household level |
Title | Agriculture based project to empower poor farmers around 14,000 through value chain development. |
Objective | Objective 1: Introducing high value crops through knowledge sharing and Research & Development (R&D) Objective 2: Increase access to microcredit and microinsurance services for agriculture inputs and technology for increased productivity. Objective 3: Provision of skill and knowledge for Agribusiness and Value Chain (VC) development and promotion of value addition of the agriculture commodities with the involvement of businessman and industrialist based on actual survey Objective 4: Promotion of Agri Based Medium & Small Enterprises (MSEs) through enhanced access to training and financial services. Objective 5: Provision of Business Development Services (BDS) for Agri Based Micro & Small Scale Enterprise through agricultural extension services |
Duration | 1 year Oct 2009-Sep 2010 |
Target Group/Beneficiaries | 14000 small farmers |
Supported By | Agribusiness Support Fund (ASF) |
Geographic Focus |
Punjab, District Narowal, Tehsil Narowal and Zafarwal |
Description: Mojaz Foundation designed and implemented a rapid-impact, quick-start program aimed at improving the livelihoods of both farming and non-farming communities in rural Narowal through a community-managed, market-based agriculture development initiative. The program focused on transitioning traditional agricultural practices into agro-based micro-enterprise development, ensuring household income growth, particularly for women. Key activities included boosting the production of horticulture crops such as potatoes, guavas, peas, and cauliflower through extensive agricultural extension services and the establishment of model demonstration farms. Additionally, the program introduced off-season vegetable farming, further increasing opportunities for income generation and sustainable agricultural practices. This integrated approach helped equip local communities with the tools and knowledge needed to increase productivity, diversify crops, and create lasting economic benefits. | |
Outputs Delivered: